Best way to eat muesli you must know

Best Way to Eat Muesli

You can basically eat muesli the same way you would any breakfast cereals. Simply add a splash of milk or spoonfuls of yoghurt but the question is, is muesli healthy as people claimed it is. On top of that, if you are health conscious, surely you like to find out if you are eating muesli correctly. If not, what is the best way to eat muesli? All of these questions answered. Read on…

What’s Muesli

If you have little idea what is in muesli, the basic ingredients are rolled oats, nuts, seeds and dried fruit. It is a sort of ready-to-eat cereal.

While the easiest way to eat muesli is pouring milk over it and enjoyed cold, soaking overnight in milk or fruit juice is another common method, similar to overnight oats.

Muesli can also be served hot by cooking in simmering water or milk and eaten like traditional oatmeal.

Don’t mistake granola for muesli. It’s not the same. Read here what the difference between granola and muesli is.

Muesli benefits your health in many ways. It contains more protein, healthy fats and fibre than most cereals and likely to be less processed. In addition, muesli contains various minerals and other key nutrients your body needs.

How Healthy is Muesli

Before getting started on how to eat muesli correctly, it is good to find out how it benefits your health. Yes, the big question is – exactly how healthy muesli is.

Generally, muesli contains more protein, healthy fats and fibre than most cereals and is likely to be less processed. In addition, muesli contains various minerals and other key nutrients your body needs. Let’s break down the ingredients and look at them individually.


These fibre-rich whole grains are a good source of protein and packed with vitamins and minerals namely thiamin (known as Vitamin B1), iron, magnesium, phosphorous and manganese.

Oats are also loaded with beneficial compounds including antioxidants and beta-glucan, a nutrient that may help reduce cholesterol

Additionally, a control-study concluded oats were shown to aid weight loss and stabilize blood sugar levels.


Walnut and almonds are commonly used in muesli. It’s either one or the other. Both contain healthy monounsaturated fats offering many health benefits especially cardiovascular diseases. They help lower “bad” LDL cholesterol thus reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke.

On top of that, both walnuts and almonds are high in antioxidants, and vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin E, Vitamin B, magnesium, copper, phosphorous and manganese.

Read more about walnuts here and almonds here.


Muesli mix contains seeds too and the common ones are pumpkin, also known as pepitas, sunflower, flax and chia seeds. These are an excellent source of fibre and contain healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fats effective at lowering blood sugar and reducing risks of heart disease.

Dried Fruits

Although high in sugar and calories when eaten in excess, dried fruits can increase your fibre and nutrient intake. 

Fibre is crucial in keeping your digestive tract working smoothly, preventing constipation.

Dried fruits contain less water thus their nutrients are more concentrated with a higher amount of vitamins and minerals compared to their fresh form.

How to Eat Muesli

Do you like cold or hot/warm breakfast? Unlike granola, always served cold, you can opt for hot muesli breakfast.

Let’s take a look at both options.

Make It Cold

Combine equal parts muesli and milk of your choice, 1/2 cup muesli + 1/2 cup milk = 1 serving, and eat almost immediately. How convenient is that?

For a softer texture, using the same ratio and let your muesli soak in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes to overnight.

Instead of milk, you may use fruit juices such as apple, orange or any of your favourites.

Add flavours to your muesli by drizzling raw honey over it or spoonfuls of yoghurt plus fresh fruits.
Image be RitaE from Pixabay

The ratio is just a guide. Once you’ve tasted how it is, you are free to adjust the ratio to suit your palate. Also, the soaking time depends on how soft and creamy you like your muesli to be. Maybe, soaking 10 minutes is enough if you like it both crunchy and chewy at the same time.

You may want to add a bit of flavour to your soaked muesli before consuming. A drizzle of raw honey or a spoonful of your favourite yoghurt gives you additional flavours. And top with fresh fruits, a healthy addition. The options are endless but the end results are always healthy.

Make It Hot

If you’re accustomed to hot or warm breakfast, making hot muesli is easy and convenient. This is how you do it.

On the stovetop. Combine and simmer equal parts muesli and milk or water in a pot over medium-high heat for 3-4 minutes. Let stand for 2 minutes. Hot muesli served!

In the microwave. Combine and heat equal parts muesli and milk or water in a microwave-safe bowl for 1 minute. Stir and let stand for 2 minutes. Enjoy your breakfast!

That was easy, right? You need not stick to cold muesli only. On certain days when it’s rainy and a bit chilly, a warm muesli breakfast is what you need.

Now you know how to eat muesli but I’m sure you have some questions in mind. Continue reading…

To Soak or Not to Soak Your Muesli

You have the choice to soak or not to soak your muesli. There's benefits to both.
Image by Miguellupo from Pixabay

As mentioned, you have the choice to soak or not to soak your muesli. Which method is healthier?

Soaked or not, there’re benefits to both. Two elements to look into.

Taste, Flavour & Texture

Do you like soft, mushy, creamy textures? People who don’t like it will surely utter “yucky soaked muesli”. Mushy food can be unappealing to many people. 

On the other hand, soaked muesli may give you a stronger taste as the oats will have absorbed the liquid, fluffing them up and infusing them with flavour.

So, if you dislike the mushy texture would the taste change your mind? I doubt you would because I wouldn’t. Now, add the nutritional element to it. Perhaps this you will accept.

Nutritional Value

Soaked muesli is softer, easier to digest and your body will absorb more of the vitamins and minerals. 

Furthermore, you need to know grains and nuts contain phytic acid, often referred to as anti-nutrients. This is because phytic acid hinders the absorption of iron, zinc and calcium thus may promote mineral deficiencies (1). 

Avoiding foods that contain phytic acid is NOT a good idea because it can benefit health in other ways. Confused? When I research enough, I will share more with another article. For now, just know that by soaking your muesli, the phytic acid content can be reduced.

What are you going to do? To soak or not? Tell us in the comments section below.

While I dislike mushy food, the nourishment it gives is worthy. I soaked muesli in fruit juice, at times honey water, giving it additional flavour. On top of that, making my own muesli, rolled oats and nuts are lightly toasted. The rolled oats crisp a bit and retain more texture.

All that said, you still can enjoy nourished soaked muesli by simply adjusting the soaking time. The first thing you do in the morning is to soak your muesli. By the time you’re ready for work, it’s done. Say, 20 minutes?

Still in doubt? Read more about overnight oats here. Maybe, after reading it, it’ll change your mind.

Can You Eat Muesli Raw

Yes, you can eat muesli as is but it’s rather dry and can be bland too, depending on the mixture of ingredients. Some combinations are great eaten dry, for instance, those with puffed rice, chocolate shavings and dried fruits. However, beware of the sugar content of these ingredients.

Muesli makes for a convenient breakfast or snack right out of the bag. Keep a bag in your desk drawer or car! Nibble on it if you’re stuck in traffic and getting hungry or when feeling sluggish at work.

Also, raw muesli makes a fantastic crunchy topping for oatmeal, yoghurt bowls, smoothies, pancakes and green salads or roasted vegetables. 

In a Nutshell

Muesli, a combination of rolled oats, nuts, seeds and dried fruits,  can be served cold or hot, soaked or unsoaked, cooked or raw. Each ingredient has its own nutrients and when combined they provide you with nourished meals. 

Though muesli is a breakfast food, it can be enjoyed any time of the day like this smoothie muesli.
Image by Love Food Art from Pexels

Though muesli is a breakfast food, it can be enjoyed any time of the day. Say a bowl of warm hearty muesli breakfast. Then it can be a cold powerful yoghurt muesli lunch. A cold refreshing smoothie muesli bowl any time you desire. Or simply eat it on its own.

Soaking your muesli has advantages but if you can’t get over mushy, soggy food, do not let this stop you from eating healthy muesli. To soak or not to soak your muesli is really up to you. While the phytic acid content may obstruct the absorption of certain minerals, you may still get them in other food provided you follow a balanced diet.

I hope the information here can help you find your own best way to eat muesli. 

So, a cool breakfast for you or a warming bowl of muesli works better? Tell us in the comments section below. Regardless of which your preference is, both give you loads of energy without feeling overly full or sluggish. Not forgetting the nutritional values it provides. Should you know of other ways to best consume muesli, share them with us too. Never too late to learn something new.

Please share this article with anyone you think may find this information useful. Click the share button!

What is the Difference Between Granola and Muesli. If you find muesli too dry or bland to your liking, then you may consider granola which is baked with a sweetener. Read the article to learn more.


For US Shoppers, Shop on Amazon – There are plenty of choices you can choose from but take a look at what I found for you ↓

Made with certified gluten-free oats and nothing sweetened other than the dried fruits.

Buy on Amazon.

European Style Gluten-free Muesli – one of many Bob’s Red Mill products.

Buy Now.

Be careful when buying this. No sugar added comes in a blue box while the red box has sugar in it.

Take a closer look on Amazon.

For my fellow Malaysian, buy on Shopee or Lazada. The selection is wider on Shoppe but if you’re used to buying on Lazada, there’s a few with good reviews. Click on the link. It will take you directly to the page.

Learn more: Others nutty stories

Happy shopping and thanks for reading.

Me YourHealthy CornerStay in Good Health, Healthy Eating Habits

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8 thoughts on “Best Way to Eat Muesli”

  1. Nice of you to discuss about Muesli, its ingredients and what are their benefits.

    The process of preparing before eating and how it gives nourishment due to process is also a great work!

    This article will now lead the eater on how to prepare Muesli. Prioritize getting more of the benefits or enjoy the meal? Getting both is a plus.

    I personally want them with freshly boiled milk. Letting cool and absorb a little, love spooning, chewing and  sipping.

  2. Thanks for this.  I was worried that you were going to slate muesli!

    Thankfully you didn’t, as I love it and have it every other morning for breakfast.  I always have it cold and just pour the milk on prior to eating it.  I have never let it soak overnight and don’t think I’d like it that way, as it would be like porridge.

    There are healthy sugar free versions, but  like the original with the sugar added.

    1. You must consider trying overnight muesli, Geoff. Like you, I thought it’ll be porridge but it turned out not so. Best have it during the summer months. Cold and fresh breakfast to start the day! 

      If you have not read my Overnight Oats post, here it is. Find out what makes overnight oats healthy.

  3. Hi. Having grown up eating Cornflakes at breakfast and occasionally when we were lucky and our mother experienced a rare moment of rash impulse buying – Rice Crispies, I distinctly remember the time when I went away to college and discovered previously unheard of exotic foods one of which was muesli. At the time in the UK, there was one brand, Alpen of what claimed to be Swiss muesli that dominated the market. I remember it was considered to be very sophisticated to eat muesli for breakfast. Thinking about it I am quite sure it was laced with sugar and probably not that healthy. It was only a few years later when I traveled to mainland Europe that I discovered there were other kinds of muesli, different from the Alpen brand which tended to taste less sweet probably because they didn’t have such a high sugar content. Be all that as it may, somewhere deep inside I still feel that eating muesli is sophisticated. So on days when I am feeling a cut above, I may allow myself to indulge in a bowl of muesli (but not Alpen). Best regards, Andy

    1. I get it, Andy. Store-bought muesli can be costly when we have a tight budget. Once in a while, I do buy them but nowadays I make my own. It is more economical to buy rolled oats, nuts, and seeds in the bulk section. Mixing my own, I get to choose my favourite combination of ingredients and change them when I fancy. Additionally, it is healthier without added sugar and preservatives. 

      Thanks for sharing your experience with muesli. 

  4. I honestly never have wondered about what would be the best way to eat Muesli. But the way you make it (let it soak overnight) and add all the healthy stuff, I know that from now on, I am going to do the same and get all of that extra fiber, which is good for my body and health, so thanks a lot!

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